02 June, 2023

The President of AsBEA-SP, Milene Abla, participated in the launch of the Program: Women and International Business, launched by Apex-Brasil

Representing the Built by Brazil Program, the president of AsBEA-SP ? Milene Abla was present on Friday, June 2nd, at the launch of the Women and International Business Program of Apex-Brasil, with the presence of the business director and coordinator of the Program, Ana Paula Repezza and the president of the Jorge Viana Agency.

As described by Apex-Brasil itself: with the program - Women and International Business -, we want to support the participation of companies led by women in international markets, through commercial intelligence actions and qualification for the development of competences and competitiveness for export, expansion international and investment. In addition to information on how to enter their businesses globally, participating companies will have the opportunity to learn about success stories in their international businesses with the support of ApexBrasil, in addition to networking!.

The opening panel of the event counted with the participation, in addition to the president and the business director, mentioned above, of the corporate management director of Apex-Brasil Floriano Pesaro, of the foreign trade secretary of the MDIC, Tatiana Prazeres, of the executive secretary of women's ministry, Maria Helena Guarezi, the Federal Deputy, Renata Abreu and the executive secretary of the MDA, Fernanda Machiavelli.

In this first panel, in addition to the presentation of the Program and its objectives, the importance of greater participation of women in the international market was discussed, since only 14% of this space is operated by women. In this sense, mention was made of the initiative of the program ?Elas Exportam?, to encourage the participation of women in the international market.

The first panel of the event, which had 250 participants in person and more than 250 online, was followed by a lunch for guests at the event, which also featured the second panel in the afternoon for the presentation of successful cases of the performance of Brazilian women. in the international market.

Access the Apex-Brasil website and learn more about the Program - Women and International Business

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